πŸ“” DC Prevention


This is my approach, not just to avoid being disconnected (Dc'd), but to prolong the time one can spend on an account, extending it by days and even weeks if followed correctly.

So, what does DC or being DC'D mean?

Being Dc'd from the game signifies that you've been kicked out, either due to numerous reports from players or because you're on a new account (hence the need for an aged account) beaming and playing like a streamer, making it evident that you're cheating. This measure is also implemented to discourage smurfing.

It's important to note that getting disconnected isn't solely tied to cheating. Legitimate players have experienced disconnections and even permanent bans. You can find evidence on platforms like TikTok, YouTube, and Reddit. If you need proof, Activision has been criticized for their handling of such situations.

When you're disconnected, a specific message will be displayed: "You have been disconnected from the server." This exact message is the indicator that you've been disconnected. Phrases like "Server Disconnected" or anything related to your connection don't carry the same consequence. Once you've been DC'D, you're instantly shadowbanned. Here's what the it will look like.

So now that we understand what being disconnected means, how can we delay it?

To achieve this delay, a well-aged account is essential. The account level is not a significant factor; I have successfully leveled up level 1 aged accounts to level 250 before facing disconnection. The account simply needs to have a minimum of 20,000 kills in either Modern Warfare 2019/Warzone Caldera or Modern Warfare 2/Warzone 2.0/warzone3. You can link a fresh Battle.net account to the aged account, and the platform (Battle.net/Steam) is inconsequential; it all depends on your playstyle.

Now, onto the crucial details. It's imperative to be a proficient player capable of engaging in fights, reading situations, and moving strategically. While you don't need to match my skill level, being able to outplay opponents and appear legitimate is essential. This is crucial for playing on any account for an extended period, even when you can detect enemies through walls and never miss shots. Most cheaters play like bots with no movement, and that's precisely why they rely on cheats. Spotting a cheating bot is easy, so our objective is to make the killcam appear as legitimate as possible.

Let's dive into settings. We're not raging. The key to avoiding detection is not setting your aimbind key to the key you use to aim with. This would automatically lock onto the next person closest to you after downing someone, which we want to avoid. The aimbind key must match the key you use to shoot, so it only locks when you're shooting at someone. Set the aimbot field of view (FOV) to between 5-8 FOV and the smoothness between above 30. Lower smoothing makes the lock-on more abrupt. Keep the distance at least 150m, so you don't accidentally lock onto players out of cover if you forget to stop shooting. Set the aimlock to "any" or, in tight situations, use an override key for headshots. Only use the override key when necessary. No recoil can be used, but tone it down to 50-75%.

Visuals are at your discretion. You can use a UAV, walls, or radar, and the range can cover the entire mapβ€”it's your preference. Personally, I stay about 100m further than my aimbot.

When starting out, it's acceptable to die and not get many kills, especially on low-aged accounts. Dying is part of the game, and you don't need to prove anything to anyone. Avoid extreme situations that make you look suspicious. Accept the death, come back, and try again.

For kills, start with at least 5 kills, then gradually increase to 10 kills or below. Once your games are complete, proceed with two games at 15 kills and two games at 20. This method should be effective, allowing you to become more aggressive.

Don't play for extended hours continuously. Limit your playtime to around 3-5 hours, as playing longer accumulates more reports. Take a break for an hour or two before returning to play.

If your account gets shadowbanned, wait it out for a week and then continue the process. This approach effectively allows you to "bypass" the disconnection system.

Please note that I am not suggesting that this will work for everyone. People have asked me about my methods, and I thought I would share how I have managed to keep my accounts active for weeks since the Rebirth days.

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