πŸ“” Purchasing Cobalt Tutorial

Quick tutorial on how to purchase cobalt.

  1. Go to the official cobalt store https://cobalt.sellauth.com/

  2. Find the product that you would like to purchase.

  1. Fill in the amount of keys that you would like to purchase in quantity, put in your email address ( ensure that it is correct as your key will be sent to this email.) and lastly select your payment choice.

  1. Once you have done so select purchase and you will be sent to the next screen where you will be sending the LTC/BTC to cobalt's wallet.

Full amount to send:
2 day - $4
1 week - $8
1 month - 18

Alternatively, you can copy the exact amount from the section above the crypto wallet to send the exact amount .

  1. Once the transaction has been processed and money has been received you will receive your key to the email you put in at the start.

The deliverable is your key:

Create an account on the website. https://cobalt.solutions/

Download the loader and login with the same credentials for the website. https://cobalt.solutions/client.ex

Last updated